Monday, September 20, 2010

HAP Afghans

HAP - Handmade Afghan Project - started in the DC area by a group of women.  It has grown like topsy - now consists of over 1200 members all over the country.  Members make 6" x 9" rectangles (acrylic, worsted weight), send them in to a member in the DC area, the rectangles are organized by color and taken to a "Put Together Event" where they are designed into afghans ( 7 rectangles by 7 rectangles).  These are sent out across the country to members who crochet them together into afghans which are then sent back to the DC area.  There they are washed and packaged and distributed to military hospitals worldwide.  When a vet or his/her family receives an afghan it is composed of rectangles made by many different people and put together by yet another member.  To date over 4,500 afghans have been distributed.
At the design event - this was designed by John
Finished Afghan

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