Friday, October 22, 2010


Fund Raiser for Manatee County Food Bank - 10th year of the Empty Bowls Fund Raiser
Beautiful Bowls
Decisions, decisions

Huge crowd in shade
and huge crowd in sun

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hibiscus Armagaddon

Just discovered that the weird looking parts of our hibiscus and althea were caused by a miserable critter called 'the Pink Hibiscus Mealybug'.  Took samples to the Extension Center and had it ID'd.  This was recognized in the early 2000's in the Miami area and can KILL your Hibiscus plants - all varieties.
Hibiscus should look like this:

 Now, if your hibiscus foliage looks like this - check it out at the local Extension Center - take clippings in to have the problem identified.

Lots of crinkled up foliage

 And here is a photo of the little critter who is responsible for all this damage:
Mr. Mealybug

If you find damage of this sort, get help immediately - take in samples to the Extension Center and get their advice.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bike Rally for MOTS at Linger Lodge

We'd never heard of the West Coast Bike Rally - got a small taste of it today at Linger Lodge.  We helped man a booth that raised money for MOTS (Manasota Operation Troop Support) by selling tickets for a variety of items - tickets were $1 each or an arm length for $10 or a wingspan for $20 ! Only needed a phone number and the number of the item you wanted - drawing will be at the Sunday afternoon event at Peggy's Corral - don't have to be present to win.  There were lots of organizations represented at the Rally - raising money for many different charities.  Had been a long time since we'd been to Linger Lodge and it's changed a bit - to include a new dining porch - Some pictures of the Rally, a huge snake and Linger Lodge.
MOTS table set up

Some of the goodies

Inside - name is spelled out in rattlesnakes

Entry to Linger Lodge Restaurant
Bar inside - lots of critters
 - mostly crawlie ones

Inside restaurant
A visit with  Matthew Wildlife Rescue

One of the porches

Friday, October 8, 2010

UPDATE to continuous compression CPR

Tried to put this on Facebook but it would not accept the length of the document.  Regarding the CPR method, I wrote the Red Cross to get their take on the Compression only CPR.  Here is their reply:

Red Cross Position
Red Cross encourages everyone to be trained in full CPR and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED). We support the links in the Cardiac Chain of Survival including: early recognition and early access to the 911 system, early CPR, early use of an AED until professional medical responders arrive and take over.
We recognize that, upon witnessing the sudden collapse of an adult, calling 9-1-1, and providing Compression-Only CPR until an AED is available is an acceptable alternative for those who are unwilling, unable, or not trained to perform full CPR.
It is important to note that the Red Cross is helping to lead this research through a CPR skill retention study which looks at different educational models and Compression-Only CPR versus full CPR.

Bill's New Toy

Has to do with fishing, of course - a fishing cart from BassPro - has been a huge help, especially when dragging fishing stuff down the beach - and then, too on the fishing pier at the beach.  It's living at the beach cottage for use by anyone taking things down to the beach - ask only that it's returned and hosed down.

First challenge - putting it together
All loaded and ready to go

Lots and lots of bait available
Beautiful morning

AMI City Pier