Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bike Rally for MOTS at Linger Lodge

We'd never heard of the West Coast Bike Rally - got a small taste of it today at Linger Lodge.  We helped man a booth that raised money for MOTS (Manasota Operation Troop Support) by selling tickets for a variety of items - tickets were $1 each or an arm length for $10 or a wingspan for $20 ! Only needed a phone number and the number of the item you wanted - drawing will be at the Sunday afternoon event at Peggy's Corral - don't have to be present to win.  There were lots of organizations represented at the Rally - raising money for many different charities.  Had been a long time since we'd been to Linger Lodge and it's changed a bit - to include a new dining porch - Some pictures of the Rally, a huge snake and Linger Lodge.
MOTS table set up

Some of the goodies

Inside - name is spelled out in rattlesnakes

Entry to Linger Lodge Restaurant
Bar inside - lots of critters
 - mostly crawlie ones

Inside restaurant
A visit with  Matthew Wildlife Rescue

One of the porches

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