Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hibiscus Armagaddon

Just discovered that the weird looking parts of our hibiscus and althea were caused by a miserable critter called 'the Pink Hibiscus Mealybug'.  Took samples to the Extension Center and had it ID'd.  This was recognized in the early 2000's in the Miami area and can KILL your Hibiscus plants - all varieties.
Hibiscus should look like this:

 Now, if your hibiscus foliage looks like this - check it out at the local Extension Center - take clippings in to have the problem identified.

Lots of crinkled up foliage

 And here is a photo of the little critter who is responsible for all this damage:
Mr. Mealybug

If you find damage of this sort, get help immediately - take in samples to the Extension Center and get their advice.

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